According to Ayurveda, disorders of Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas cause skin diseases in different ways. Skin problems in Vata dosha include dry and dark skin. In Pitta related skin diseases, there is swelling or redness in the skin.
In today's time, many people consume food and drink indiscriminately in their lifestyle, due to which skin diseases occur in the body. Allopathic homeopathic medicine for skin disease cures it but skin disease occurs again.
Ayurveda prescribes various remedies for skin diseases. With the help of Ayurveda, if you know your nature and take proper diet, then skin diseases can be cured. Whatever we eat and drink during the day, it is not necessary that it is beneficial for the body.
In Ayurveda, detailed information has been given about the time of eating and drinking of everything and how much and how much people should eat according to the weather and physical nature. Ayurveda expert told when, what to eat and what not to eat in skin disease.
According to Ayurveda, skin diseases caused by Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas are different, skin problems in Vata dosha include dry skin and darkening of the skin. Pitta-related skin diseases include inflammation of the skin or redness of the skin. is seen.
The color of the skin turns white or yellow due to Kapha-caused skin diseases. Due to this disease problems like oily skin and itching occur. It is very important to control pitta dosha, the main of all these doshas because the skin is one of the main sites of pitta dosha. For this one should stop eating spicy fried sour-sour food, which purifies the blood and rejuvenates the skin. Problems can be solved. Purifying the blood
In Ayurveda, if food is taken according to nature, it is beneficial and if food is taken against nature, many diseases arise in the body. Consumption of spicy, fried, fermented and sour food should be stopped in skin disease.
Ayurvedic doctors say that simple food should be taken which includes mangoes, pulses, rice, roti, vegetables and garam masala in very small quantities. Apart from this, sour fruits should be eaten.