Fennel is considered very beneficial for health. That's why many people consume fennel after eating food. Eating fennel gives many benefits to the body and these benefits are as follows. Benefits of eating fennel.
Cholesterol is controlled By consuming fennel, the cholesterol level in the body remains under control and fennel is considered very beneficial for the heart. People who consume fennel after meals daily. The level of cholesterol in his body remains normal. That's why fennel should be consumed daily.
beneficial for eyes
Fennel is also considered beneficial for the eyes and its consumption helps in maintaining eyesight. According to Ayurveda, consuming five grams of fennel daily is healthy for the eyes and its consumption has a good effect on the eyes.
Stomach diseases are cured.
If you are troubled by indigestion, gas, constipation and abdominal pain, then you should consume fennel. Eating fennel cures many diseases related to the stomach.
Beneficial for liver.
Consuming fennel makes the liver function properly and protects the liver from many diseases. You should consume fennel with warm water.
It also removes the problem of phlegm.
In case of cough, heat a glass of water on the gas and then put two spoons of fennel in this water. Boil this water for some time. When this water boils well, you turn off the gas and filter this water and drink it. By drinking this water, along with phlegm, the problem of phlegm will also go away.
Remove respiratory diseases.
Eating with fennel and jaggery provides relief in respiratory diseases. That's why people who have breathing problems should start consuming fennel and jaggery together.
Removes swelling of hands and feet
If there is sensation in the legs or hands, mix fennel and sugar and consume it. Eating a mixture of fennel and sugar cures burning sensation and swelling of hands and feet.
Beneficial for children.
Gas builds up in the stomach of most young children and gas causes abdominal pain. If children are having gas, then you should give them two spoons of fennel water. To make fennel water, put some fennel seeds in hot water and keep this water for some time. Later you filter this water and give two spoons of this water to the children three times a day. Drinking this water gives relief to the stomach of children.