Benefits of Fig Juice:- The bottom line is that fig is a fruit that is rich in many nutrients and like figs, fig juice also has many health benefits. The fruit is small in size and contains many small seeds. Whether you know about fig juice or not, we will tell you how to make juice. Fig juice is not only healthy but also digests quickly. Contains many nutrients like fiber, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Fig juice can be made very easily at home. If you want to make fig juice, you have to soak dried figs overnight. Then you can wake up in the morning and make juice by adding water to it.
How to make fig juice:- Ingredients- 6 fresh figs, water. Wash the figs with water and take out its fibers. Cut it into small pieces and grind it in a blender. Now take water in it and blend it again if you want to make smoothie then you can add milk to it. Now you can take it out in a glass and drink it. Apart from this, if you want to make dried fig juice, soak five to six dried figs in water for half an hour, then add water or milk to it and blend it in a blender.
Benefits of figs :-
Get rid of insomnia :- Fig directly shows its effect on our nervous system. According to research, it has a sedative-hypnotic effect on the nervous system. With what concern Relieve migraine and insomnia.
Constipation: According to experts, consuming 12 grams per kilogram of fig paste continuously for three weeks is beneficial in the problem of constipation. The laxative properties found in fig juice provide relief in the problem of constipation. It has more fiber and less fat.
Useful in stone problem :- Some people are falling prey to stone disease due to changing food habits, runaway lifestyle. Many real people in this world will be suffering from stone problem. According to a study, figs have several types of anti-urolithiatic and diuretic properties that provide relief from the problem of stones and also prevent the stones from growing in the body.
Relief from respiratory diseases: Phenolic acid is found in fig juice. Along with this, gergenic acid is also found, which strengthens the breathing process, keeps the throat clean and does not produce phlegm.
Relief in Sugar :- Sugar patients should drink fig juice, it proves very beneficial for them. It balances blood glucose level and cholesterol level. That's why there is relief from diabetes.
Useful in maintaining weight balance:- Due to the fiber found in figs, appetite increases and the routine of food becomes regular. However, it helps in digesting food properly, thus maintaining health and digestive balance. It helps in balancing the body weight.
Get rid of Alzheimer's disease: Fig juice being rich in fiber, vitamins and antioxidants along with having zero cholesterol, it gives relief from age related dementia.