Friends, today we are going to tell you a home remedy to get relief from knee pain. Friends, this home remedy proves to be very helpful in getting relief from the pain in your body. Friends, if you have knee pain,
If there is pain in the hands, there is constant pain in the back, there is a problem of pain in any part of the body, then doing this home remedy gives a lot of relief. Friends, trading pages have been used since ancient times to relieve pain.
The page of Akada is also mentioned in Ayurveda. Today we are going to teach you how to make ointment using friends trading page. By using which you can get rid of many types of pain in the body.
Friends, to do this home remedy, you have to use aloe vera. Friends, Kuvarpath has been called the king of medicine in Ayurveda. Friends, to do this Ayurvedic recipe, you have to consume a spoonful of aloe vera juice. Friends, Kuvarpath is very important in Ayurveda.
Many people regularly consume Kuvarpath juice. Friends, according to Ayurveda, aloe vera juice proves to be very beneficial for body aches and pains. Friends, to do this remedy, you have to mix two spoons of turmeric in two spoons of turmeric juice. Turmeric has a lot of antiseptic properties.
Which proves to be very beneficial for our health. Then add two spoons of sesame oil to it. And mix it well and make an ointment. So friends, to do this remedy, you have to take four to five trading pages. Then before using this leaf, put a little sesame oil in it and keep it on the pan.
Friends, the Ayurvedic importance of statistics page has been very high. This figure proves to be very useful in any pain of the body. The Ayurvedic properties present in fig leaves absorb body pain. And it gives instant relief from pain. Friends, we have to massage the affected area with the aloe vera ointment made by us.
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After massaging, you have to tie the heated leaves on the affected area. Friends, if this Ayurvedic remedy is done for a week, then every pain in the body goes away. Heating the leaves provides relief from knee pain.
Friends, apply this ointment on the affected area and massage it for some time. Then by heating the leaves and tying it, the pain ends immediately. Friends, this Ayurvedic remedy is considered very effective in body pain. By doing this regularly, chronic pain will go away.