Friends, nature has created many such things, each of which is used in some way or the other to cure diseases of the body. Using it in the right way can cure all diseases with home remedies. Friends who will tell you about the benefits of ginger.
Ginger is known by many names. Ginger is made by drying ripe ginger. Ginger and ginger have all the same properties. It is easily digested in food and is considered spicy, hot and digestible.
It strengthens the heart and cures cough and flatulence. It facilitates digestion and the use of ginger provides relief in all diseases. It keeps the gas out from the stomach. Ginger is known as a digestive chemical.
Licking the mixture of ginger and honey ends excessive cough. Add water as required in ginger juice and add sugar to it to make a crop. Then put cloves, nutmeg, saffron and cardamom in a glass jar and consume it daily, it provides relief in cough.
In case of indigestion and gas, mixing one spoonful of ginger powder with jaggery and cow's ghee provides relief in hunger, anorexia etc. Rubbing ginger powder with jaggery or water for things like loss of appetite, stomach cramps, etc., when the body becomes cold in the winter season, provides relief.
In case of any kind of allergy or cold-cough, mix ginger with jaggery and ghee and make small balls and eat them with a fork. It can be used in the morning to get rid of all ailments like cold, cough, shortness of breath, cough and loss of appetite.
Ginger is boiled in cold water and its use is beneficial in many diseases such as people who do not sleep, they benefit from drinking this water and this water is used in cold, cough, fever, cough and flatulence. Drinking gives relief. Is.
A mixture of ginger and castor oil is beneficial in treating chronic joint pain in bones. Apart from this, taking ginger powder with castor oil provides relief in cough, flatulence, increase in semen, constipation, heart disease, cough, flatulence, piles, elephantiasis, nausea and abdominal pain.