People nowadays suffer from sciatica. Some people in India and abroad are also victims of sciatica. Home remedies can be used to cure it and others can also get relief from it. The lumbar vertebrae have a top-to-bottom bead in which the weight on the lower bead is lifted by lifting, sitting, or standing. It can also be eliminated through exercise.
Pain in the left leg or in the right leg is sometimes accompanied by emptying and tingling. Especially walking is not even noticeable. If you have constant pain in the right leg, keep the water of that leg on the left leg, lower the head and take a deep breath, the vein comes to its place and the pain disappears forever. Another remedy is to lie down on the ground and rotate the shortened legs so that the nerve pain is relieved.
Such a person should not eat fermented things like Idli, Khaman, Dhokla etc. Sour things like oranges, citrus fruits, lemons etc. should be avoided. Don't even eat milk. By heating 12 cloves garlic in 50 g castor oil
When it gets cold, massaging also relieves the pain. Gently shaking the feet with salt in the sand relieves the pain. Making nutmeg powder and applying it is also very beneficial.
Massage of ginger and lindy pepper oil relieves nerve pain. Getting up early every morning and doing 10 pranayamas with both arms extended to the legs relieves the nerve pain. A person with sciatica should rest in bed with the waist straight. Lying upside down on the lower seat and raising two feet off the ground opens the vein. So sciatica is very beneficial.
Such individuals should not stand for long periods of time and should not be overweight. Don't overweight while doing any work. Eat foods rich in vitamins so that such deficiencies can be eliminated. Such a person should exercise and walk every morning. Tajen increases blood circulation in the veins and can prevent sciatica.