મળી ગયો અનેક બીમારીઓનો ઈલાજ, આ ચૂર્ણનો યોગ્ય ઉપયોગ કરી લેશો તો વૃદ્ધ થઇ ગયા પછી પણ નહીં જવું પડે દવાખાને, ઘરે જ મળી જશે રાહત..

Sargao is something in general which is found all over the country.  Many times people use it to enhance the taste of food.  It grows mostly in the fields and some kind of pod grows on it.  Using which you can cook delicious vegetables.

Sargav is known as medicine in Ayurveda.  It can be used to treat many health problems.  Everything in it – the fruits, flowers, pods, roots and bark – works medicinally.  In today's article, we are going to give you information about some such diseases which can be cured by the use of Sargwa.

It can also be used to make Sargwan powder.  To do this, first break the pod of the Sargwa plant and cut it into small pieces.  Now let it dry in a sunny place.  When it dries, make powder out of it.  You can use it later.

It can be useful for many health related ailments like digestive disorders, sleep problems, excessive lethargy, weight loss, immunity boosting.

How to make Sargwani Tea:- Sargwani Tea is very easy to make.  For this, first of all sargav leaves will be needed.  To do this, break the sargwa leaf and clean it with pure water.  Now dry it in the sun and when it dries, use it and take a bowl.  Now fill it in a can and if needed take a spoonful of it and mix it in tea.  With this you will be able to take advantage of it.

How to make Sargwani Bhaji:- Sargwani Bhaji is also very easy to make.  To do this, first break the leaves from the Sargav tree and clean it with pure water.  Now take a frying pan and put oil in it.  Then work on eliminating issues from the bottom of the list that aren't worth fighting for.  However, remember to dig in and add ginger in the meantime.  Then when it is roasted well, add some Sargwana leaves and garlic and fry it.  Now you can taste it.

  Let us now know about its benefits.

1. To get rid of headacheI

If you are troubled by headache and are unable to bear it, then you should use Sargavo.  Actually, Sargav leaves have such properties that work to calm the mind by cooling it down.  It works to remove excess stress and anxiety.  In such a situation, to get relief from headache, first of all heat the leaves of the kingpin.  Now making a paste and rubbing it on the head cools the brain and gives relief from headache.

To control blood pressureI

If your blood pressure fluctuates frequently, then using Sargao can give you relief.  For this you will need its leaves.  First of all, make a decoction of Sargwa leaves and consume it daily.  Because it has properties that work to control blood pressure.

To increase the amount of semen: - Many people are fed up with their sexual power, they do not get the right result even after trying a lot.  Even his partner is not satisfied with this.  If you are also facing any such problem then you should consume Sargwa daily.  You can use it as a vegetable or also in powder form.

 To increase the amount of semen: - Many people are fed up with their sexual power, they do not get the right result even after trying a lot.  Even his partner is not satisfied with this.  If you are also facing any such problem then you should consume Sargwa daily.  You can use it as a vegetable or also in powder form.

Apart from this, Sargavo works to cure myriad diseases like obstetric diseases, kidney diseases, weak immune system, stomach and sex diseases, heart diseases, asthma.  So you should take advantage of it.

ગુજરાતીમાં વાંચવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો

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