40 વર્ષની ઉમર વટાવ્યા પછી દવાખાનના પગથિયાં ના ચઢવા હોય તો આ 16 વસ્તુઓનું રાખજો ધ્યાન.

Friends, in today's article we want to talk about how we can have a long, healthy and healthy life after forty years.  In today's article we are not going to mention some Ayurvedic remedies for this.  Remedies that can help us lead a healthy life.

Friends, if you want to live a healthy life after 40 years, then it is very important to take special care of some things.  No matter how much wealth we have, no matter how happy we are and no matter how educated we are, but life is good only as long as this body nourishes us.

And when the body doesn't do shit, we feel bad about our bodies.  If we take care of it then we can lead a healthy and healthy life.  It is very important to get BP and blood sugar checked from time to time.

Salt, sugar, dairy products, starch should all be reduced.  Or it should be consumed in moderation.  Instead we should consume sprouted mugs, vegetables, leafy vegetables, lemonade, ginger, turmeric after 40 years.

Friends, green leafy vegetables in which we should increase the amount of salad in our diet means that the body gets enough nutrients from it.  So friends, keep eating one fruit each day, it keeps energy in the body.  And there are essential nutrients and vitamins found in it.

After 40 years we should consume almonds and peanuts in the required quantity which are very beneficial for our health.  Almonds should always be soaked in water at night and consumed in the morning.  Which is very good for health.  Friends, anger should be stopped completely, anger also has its disadvantages.

Which weakens all the cells of the body.  And our mind also becomes weak.  So after the age of 60, we can control our anger.  And at the same time we will continue to live a healthy and healthy life.  Friends always think positive thoughts.

We will have a lot of fun keeping a positive attitude.  It will be very good for our health as well as digestion of tea will also be good.  Friends, by getting up early in the morning and drinking a glass of hot water regularly, we can lead a healthy and healthy life after 40 years.

So friends should do light exercise every morning for ten to fifteen minutes.  One should do yoga or do pranayama regularly.  At the same time, there should be meditation, contemplation and contemplation in our life.  A little walk with friends is also very beneficial for health.

Friends, if we are overweight, then we should eat very little in the evening.  Also light food should be taken.  Milk should be consumed along with turmeric in your diet.  Consumption of all such simple food items like paan, mawa, cigarette, tobacco,

Alcohol, gambling, non-vegetarian food, bad thinking, poor reading, all these things should be given up after the age of 30.  Friends, one should always make a habit of sleeping early at night and always get up early in the morning.  which will be very good for our health

Friends, always drink a glass of warm water while sleeping at night.  Always have good friends who do not have any kind of addiction.  Friends, if you pay special attention to all these things after 40 years, then you can lead a healthy and healthy life.

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