ખાલી આ ત્રણ વસ્તુઓ ખાઓ, કોઈપણ રોગ જે કાબૂમાં ન આવે તે દૂર થઈ જશે, શરીર બનશે શક્તિશાળી.

 We are working the whole day and our body is working the whole day, the body requires energy to work, our body is made of energy so the body requires energy i.e. strength to work.

We take food to provide energy to the body, but we do not know how much energy that food provides us.

In today's life, food is used for the energy of our body. In the run-of-the-mill life, the food we take is not enough for the body, so we should use more energy-rich food.

To keep our life healthy and happy, it is very important to know which food has how much energy and what to eat.

It is difficult to get nutritious food in today's life because we all know that spices and oils used in food are sometimes adulterated or not pure.

In such a situation, from where does the body get energy and how can the body work? It is true that if we do not pay attention to our food and drink, then the days of our life will be less and we all know that today people are living a shorter life than before.

We are working the whole day and our body is working the whole day, the body requires energy to work, our body is made of energy so the body requires energy i.e. strength to work.

We take food to provide energy to the body, but we do not know how much energy that food provides us.

In today's life, food is used for the energy of our body. In the run-of-the-mill life, the food we take is not enough for the body, so we should use more energy-rich food.

To keep our life healthy and happy, it is very important to know which food has how much energy and what to eat.

It is difficult to get nutritious food in today's life because we all know that spices and oils used in food are sometimes adulterated or not pure.

In such a situation, from where does the body get energy and how can the body work? It is true that if we do not pay attention to our food and drink, then the days of our life will be less and we all know that today people are living a shorter life than before.

Just eat these three things, the disease will go away

Today I am going to tell you an important home remedy by which we can get plenty of energy. India is the only country which has such a precious thing like Ayurveda, using which we can defeat many diseases.

Gram: We know how beneficial gram is for our body, but do you know why it is said to eat soaked gram on an empty stomach in the morning? Especially athletes and people who exercise are advised to eat gram.

Why is gram so important? If you don't understand, it doesn't matter, I will tell you today.

Gram has proved beneficial not only for filling the empty stomach but also in many body problems. In short, it helps in controlling blood sugar and gram has high fiber content hence it has proven to be a panacea for stomach problems like gas, constipation, diarrhea and stool problems.

It is useful for overweight people and also for underweight people because gram contains protein as well as fiber which controls appetite if the appetite is low then increases it and if the appetite is high then it reduces the appetite. Enhances but controls.

It is also very beneficial for cancer, heart, eye, bone, skin and brain.

If you eat these two things with gram then it is very beneficial, let's know what these things are.

Peanuts: Peanuts rich in calcium and protein are very beneficial if eaten with gram.

Raisins: Raisins contain plenty of calcium and iron which is very beneficial for our body, eating 10 to 15 seeds of raisins along with gram and peanuts gives our body enough energy and gives relief from many diseases.

How to consume:

Soak raisins, gram and peanuts in a pot overnight, wake up in the morning and eat these three things separately, then drink the water that comes up.

If you use it daily for 1 month continuously, then all the diseases of your body will go away and apart from this, you will also get to see many benefits in your body.

ગુજરાતીમાં વાંચવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો 

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