Kidney stones are a very serious and painful condition. To get rid of it, it is necessary to know it in time. Kidney stone initially gives some signals in the body, if you also understand these signals and become alert, then you can treat it in time.
Kidney stone problem has become very common nowadays. Kidney stone starts from a small level, initially it is not detected much, but when it takes serious form then you have to face unbearable pain, which snatches your peace of day and sleep at night. .
The main function of the kidney is to purify the blood and remove impurities through urine. The waste material that the kidney is unable to remove from the body gradually accumulates and turns into a stone, which is called kidney stone in medical language.
There are many reasons for stone formation and hence it is important to know the symptoms before it starts. If it is not taken out of the body for a long time, it can also cause kidney failure.
What is kidney stone?
Kidney stones are also called nephroliths and are usually caused by mineral deposits made of calcium and uric acid. Stones can range in size from a mustard seed to a tennis ball. Stones form when impurities from the food you eat start accumulating in the bladder or urinary tract. This problem mostly happens to those people who drink very little water.
Who is most at risk of kidney stones?
Gallstones are common in people who are suffering from diabetes or obesity. When the stone is formed around the kidney and is small in size, it does not cause much trouble, but when it reaches the urinary tract, it causes unbearable pain and many problems. If the size of the stone is small, then it gets out of the body through urine, but if its size is large, then an operation has to be done.
How to know the symptoms of stones:
If a person has a small size stone in his body, then it does not cause any problem, but if its size starts increasing, then your body informs you through these 4 signs.
1. Pain around the back, abdomen, waist:
Kidney stones are very painful. When the stone gets stuck in the urinary tract and it becomes difficult to come out, there is pain due to pressure on the kidney. This pain can start anywhere, anytime. This pain is around the back and waist and is often unbearable, causing pain even when the stone moves from one place to another. This condition is also called dysuria.
2. Pain or burning while urinating:
If the stone is in the ureter or in the area around the urinary bladder, difficulty urinating, often accompanied by pain or burning, is a sign of a stone.
3. Blood in urine:
A common symptom is blood in the urine, also known as hematuria. The color of urine can be red, pink. Often the amount of blood is so small that it cannot be seen with the naked eye.
4. Bad urine:
If your urine has no color and no strong smell, then you are completely healthy. Similarly, if a person is suffering from stone disease, then his urine emits a strong smell. Odor in urine is caused by bacteria that cause urinary tract stone infection.