Police Bharti Latest News 2021-22 : Police Bharti 2021 Home Department will create separate recruitment board and will also make appointment with exam and result.
After several controversies, the unarmed PSI, ASI, constable, intelligence officer, armed police constable etc in the state police force will now be replaced by Category-3 posts by the state home department instead of the Secondary Services Selection Board. However, it also requires compliance with the conditions laid down by the government.
There have been many controversies and agitations
For some time now there have been many controversies and agitations over the issues like examination, result, appointment and recruitment conducted by Gujarat Secondary Services Selection Committee (GSSSB). Under these circumstances, sources in the General Administration Department said that till now the technical and non-technical recruitment process under Cadre-3 was done by the Secondary Services Selection Board.
File photo of the convocation ceremony of male policemen at Karai Police Academy.
Considering the formation of Lokrakshak Recruitment Board
The Home Department is contemplating to set up a separate Recruitment Board for the recruitment of PSI, Intelligence Officer, ASI, Armed SRPF Cadres under the Home Department and Lokrakshak Recruitment Boards for the recruitment of Unarmed Constables, Armed Police Constables and SRPF Cadres.
Home Department alone will fill 12,988 posts
Police Bharti 2021 PSI, Intelligence Officer, ASI, Armed SRPF, Unarmed Constable and Armed Police Constable. All these 12,988 posts will now be directly recruited by the Home Department. However it is said that this is limited to only one recruitment exercise or up to one year ago whichever is earlier, hence the recruitment process will be completed within one year. Recruitment will be purely based on OMR Test and no candidate will be interviewed or interviewed during the course of recruitment.
Police Bharti (English) Official Letter Download Link : click Here