Gold Rate in India - Gold Price Live Daily Updates

Real Time Gold Prices are updated instantly in Gold Rate in India App. Live gold price in India for 24 karat and 22 karat gold today's prices are available in Gold app. Get all gold prices instantly in our app. 24 karat 22 karat pure gold rates are available for top cities in India.

City wise gold 22k gold 24k and silver prices are available here. When we select a particular city in India, this app gives you today's gold rate as well as tomorrow's gold rate 22k and 24k. This app also displays the city's lowest price in the last 30 days and the highest price in the last 30 days. The app also helps in getting the gold rate fluctuation history data. We can check the graph analysis of 30 days gold rate. We can convert with the help of Gold Rate in India app. We can convert weight/gram and check gold, silver price.

The app has gold and silver separate details of cities in India. Gold and silver rates for about 6 months can be checked separately. Even the lowest price of gold in 6 months and highest recorded price of gold in last 6 months. All spot prices of gold and silver are updated instantly in the Gold Rate in India app page.

Features of this app:

👉 City wise gold 22k gold 24k and silver prices are available
👉 History data available for last 6 months - Gold, Silver
👉 Graph Analysis - Last 30 Days - Gold Rate (22. 24 K)
👉Conversion - Weight / Gram - By Amount
👉 Share gold rates for cities in India
👉 Fluctuations in available gold for gold, silver - Cities in India
Get timely all updates related to gold rates in India from our Gold Rate Android App.

gold rate trends in india

The demand for gold, a precious metal in India, is increasing day by day. Gold is not only considered highly auspicious, but it is also a matter of pride and prestige. Gold rate plays an important role in influencing the demand for gold in India. The rate of gold fluctuates according to market conditions and availability. The average price of 10 grams of gold in 1965 was Rs. 71.75, now it has been increased to 400 times. Get accurate gold rate from this page.

22 karat gold rate vs 24 karat

Carat refers to the purity of gold. 24 carat (24K) gold is considered pure gold i.e. 100% gold. 22 karat (22 K) contains some part of the alloy mixed with gold, meaning that 91.7% is pure gold and the remainder is alloyed in 22K gold. It is very difficult to use 24K pure gold for making jewelery as it is very soft in nature. Thus gold is mixed with other metals like copper and silver (which is 22K gold) to make jewellery. Pure Gold (24K) is always priced slightly higher than Standard Gold (22K). Get accurate Gold Rate for both 24K and 22K Gold from this page.
Determining Factors of Gold Rate

The gold rate is determined by the following factors:

  1. Value of Indian Rupee - If the Indian rupee slips against the US dollar, the rate of gold per gram in India becomes expensive.
  2. Central Bank Reserve - The Reserve Bank of India keeps paper currencies and gold in reserves. Recently, RBI has started buying more gold than selling it, to diversify its monetary reserves. This increases the price of gold.
  3.  Global Price Changes - India is one of the largest importers of gold. When import prices change due to global price fluctuations, it is subsequently reflected in the price of gold.
  4.  High demand for gold – Demand also plays an important role in determining the rate of gold. If the demand for gold increases, so does the rate of gold and vice versa.
  5.  Interest Rates: Usually the gold prices rise with the decrease in the interest rates as it helps people to invest large amount of money at lower prices

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